7 mistakes when using electricity that seem to save money but actually cost more electricity: Many families still make it

Many people make this mistake that wastes electricity bills.

In every family, monthly electricity bills are not a small expense, especially during the peak summer heat because the need to use electrical appliances such as fans, air conditioners, refrigerators… increases. Saving electricity is a concern of many people. However, many people make mistakes about saving energy. That misconception can even cause you to pay more for your monthly energy bill.

  1. Do not turn off the computer completely, leaving it in sleep mode will not waste electricity

A computer in sleep mode is actually still active, and can always immediately restore working status. Although it consumes less power, this feature still consumes power to a certain extent. Not only that, leaving the machine in standby mode for too long can lead to damage to some parts, or the machine’s power source.

If you do not need to use the computer for a period of time, turn it off completely. Sleep mode should only be used if you temporarily stopped working for a few minutes and will return soon.

  1. Running a ceiling fan all day will cool the room

The main use of ceiling fans is not to lower the temperature, but to help cool the air in the room. It just helps the air circulate better, making us feel cool and airy. Therefore, even if you turn on the ceiling fan all day, the temperature in the room still does not change.

Therefore, turning on ceiling fans all day to keep the room cool to limit the use of air conditioning is actually ineffective. To save electricity, you should turn off the ceiling fan when leaving the room, and only use the fan when in the room to avoid wasting electricity money.

  1. Adjust the air conditioner temperature too high or too low

In the summer, the need for air conditioning increases. Many people think that adjusting the temperature to below 16 degrees Celsius will quickly cool the air in the room, making it more comfortable. However, if the air conditioner continuously operates at such maximum capacity, the power consumption will increase. doubled. Experts recommend that you should set the air conditioner temperature to be no more than 10 degrees different from the outdoors, or range from 25 – 27 degrees Celsius for the best cooling effect, reduce energy waste and protect your health. Strong.

  1. Always maintain a fixed temperature level in the room

Many people believe that always maintaining the air conditioner at a fixed temperature level will help save more energy. Continuously increasing or lowering the temperature of the air conditioner will waste electricity.

However, this concept is wrong. According to the US Department of Energy, you should reduce the temperature by 7 – 10 degrees at night or when there are few people in the house, which can save up to 10% of electricity costs each year.

  1. Washing dishes by hand will save more electricity than a dishwasher

If you use cold water to wash dishes, it will actually save more electricity. However, many people have the habit of using hot water to wash dishes to ensure hygiene, especially in winter.

Using hot water to wash dishes will consume electricity for the water heater. Meanwhile, dishwashers possess modern energy-saving technology, use as little hot water as possible and optimize working performance. Therefore, if your family uses a lot of dishes, machine washing is a more economical option.

  1. Not paying attention to the location of the refrigerator

When the outdoor temperature increases, the refrigerator also has to work harder, consuming more energy. Therefore, you should choose a location to place the refrigerator away from heat sources and take advantage of the natural low-temperature environment to save energy.

In the summer, place the refrigerator in a location away from heat to increase operating efficiency and prolong the life of the machine.

  1. Simply turning off the device is enough, no need to unplug it

Many devices, computer chargers, microwaves… still consume energy when in standby mode. If you do not unplug it from the power outlet, the refrigeration electronic devices will still operate in standby mode and consume energy.


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