Minecraft Dungeons: Hardest achievements in the game

Minecraft Dungeons is an action-adventure video game, developed by Mojang Studios, released on 2020 for multiple ports such as Windows, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch…. The game supports the maximum number of 4 players, with variety of weapons, items and mobs, as well as multiple environments to discover. Players will choose their heroes to control during the game, though these heroes are cosmetic only, do not offer any special skills or abilities. Much likely any other role-playing game, there are an achievement system for players, some of them are quite challenging to obtain. Let us lead you through these tough ones.


Expert Explorer

To obtain this achievement, players need to reach Level 50, which is quite time consuming to a common player. At that moment, you should have extreme power, but you’ll also need considering the power of your enemies to continue to gain enough XP. This means keep playing the same levels at higher difficulties, and making sure your equipment is as good as possible with suitable enchantments.


High and dry

You need to complete Desert Temple, Fiery Forge and Highblock Halls in order to claim this achievement, which means facing 2 full bosses then clearing up the final boss, including Nameless One boss and Redstone Monstrosity. You may fail at the first time encounter those bosses, but don’t give up, trust the process.


Saved the Overworld

By defeating the Arch-Illager at the Obsidian Pinnacle, you will claim Saved the Overworld achievement. You should prepare best gear possible to hold a firmer chance to beat this top final boss. The boss gets more aggressive through higher difficulties, but you could have the chance to defeat it on the first encounter with some luck.


Maxed out and geared up

This achievement is both time-consuming and luck requiring in the game to obtain, as players must equip a gear set of fully enchanted items, 3 enchantment slots upgraded to level 3. Having fully maxed-out gear is greatly useful, and significantly boosts your overall power. You need to to gain XP and earn better gear through looting, carefully selecting weapon, armor, or unique gear that you want to enhance, then investing the enchanting points earned through levelling up. You’ll need a sum of fully max out a piece of gear, but not every gear can reach that level.


Back to back

The task of this achievement is actually simple to complete: Complete two Ancient Hunts and two daily trials, in two-player co-op. However, the tough requirement is that you need to complete the task on the 2nd day of the month. This means that players only have 1 day each month to obtain this achievement, making it sometimes frustrating to wait if you miss a day. Make sure your weapons and artifacts are in the best status before attempting this, and take a look at what the modifiers are for your Daily Trial – different loadouts work with different Daily Trials.


High treason

Final in the list, this is perhaps the toughest achievemnt in Minecraft Dungeons game. The Arch-Illager is a reasonable difficult boss, but at the Apocalypse difficulty can wipe out even well-experienced players in a matter of seconds. Even entire parties aren’t immune to their sweeping area-of-effect attacks. You’ll need to have a decent loadout, fully upgraded gear, and be familiar with the Arch-Illager from defeating them at lower difficulties to have sight of winning. You could proudly claim that you have clear the game once this achievement is obtained.


These achievements above are promptly in every list of Minecraft Dungeons players. Although some of them are tough, but they are not impossible to achieve, you just need to take sometimes to get familiar, then finish the game with great confidence. Hope that you will soon unlock all achievement of this game from Mojang Studios.



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