Solar car runs nearly 1,000km without needing to charge

Solar car runs nearly 1,000km without needing to charge

Stella Terra, the world’s first solar off-road vehicle, completed a test trip across Morocco and the Sahara desert in early October. Stella Terra has two seats, designed by students at Eindhoven University of Technology, Guardian reported on October 17. To complete the trip, the vehicle overcame a series of challenging terrains as a final test
Development of new liquid fuels that are fire resistant

Development of new liquid fuels that are fire resistant

A team of engineers at the University of California Riverside developed liquid fuel that only ignites when electric current flows through it, helping to limit fires. The flammable nature of fuels makes fires a major risk for this industry. Chemical engineers at the University of California Riverside developed fire-resistant liquid fuel to help reduce the
Top 4 technologies that help humans get closer to immortality

Top 4 technologies that help humans get closer to immortality

For a long time, many people have wanted to be immortal. With the continuous development of technology, experts predict that as early as 2030, people can touch this dream thanks to the support of the following 4 technologies. Electronic immortality Electronic immortality or electronic immortality can be simply understood as preserving the brain after death
Building the largest 3D chip packaging factory outside the US

Building the largest 3D chip packaging factory outside the US, what is Intel planning?

Not the US, but Malaysia is the place where Intel’s world’s largest high-end 3D chip packaging factory is located, why is that? Malaysia is by far Intel’s largest overseas base, with more than 10,000 employees in the company’s two headquarters in Penang and Kulim. It is one of Intel’s largest assembly and testing facilities, along

Dell introduces the new 24 Touch USB-C Hub Monitor touch screen, making all competitors beware

  Dell Technologies officially launched a breakthrough display product, emphasizing convenience and interoperability. The Dell 24 Touch USB-C Hub Monitor (P2424HT) is designed to provide a simple and highly interactive experience that enhances productivity in any activity such as retail, warehousing, home or office. New Dell products offer superior connectivity options, a natural swipe experience,

Invented the most durable material ever

Researchers have developed an extremely strong and light material, using DNA nanotechnology, and then coated it in a thin layer of glass. The new material is the result of research by scientists at the University of Connecticut (UConn) USA and partners. According to Science Daily, this new material has the potential to help improve many

The unexpected effect of AI in In Vitro Fertilisation (IVF)

AIVF, an Israeli reproductive technology company, has successfully developed AI-powered embryo quality assessment software that simplifies the embryo selection process in In Vitro Fertilisation (IVF). Artificial intelligence (AI) has been shown to detect cancer, identify cavities, and answer medical questions. Now, AI also acts as an “effective assistant” to help reproductive doctors select the best
China creates new AI to predict storms and El Nino

China creates new AI to predict storms and El Nino

According to news from Yicai Global, the Fengwu machine learning model, created by the Shanghai Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, outperformed its European and US counterparts in determining the direction of the storm Doksuri’s movement. Doksuri is the strongest typhoon to make landfall in China so far. “Between 21 and 27 July, Fengwu’s forecast for the direction
New device helps deaf people fully appreciate music

New device helps deaf people fully appreciate music

Haptic suit help the deaf experience the violin reverberating in the chest-mounted device, the trumpet’s echoing in the shoulder-mounted unit, and the solo chords emanating from the wrist-mounted device. Deaf people now have more opportunities to experience and enjoy music thanks to a device with integrated vibration sensors that they can wear. With the help
Why does lightning not affect the plane when flying

Why does lightning not affect the plane when flying?

Aircraft are designed to withstand lightning strikes and are regularly struck with no serious consequences. Here’s how it works: 1. Material Materials used in the construction of aircraft must meet stringent standards of strength, lightness, durability, and safety. Here are the main types of materials used: Aluminum: For a long time, aluminum was the primary